Constitutional Hydrotherapy

Constitutional Hydrotherapy is one of Dr. Gowey’s favorite Naturopathic treatments. This therapy supports the immune system, serotonin levels, and parasympathetic nervous system function. Dr. Gowey commonly uses this therapy for respiratory infections, COVID, liver disorders (such as fatty liver), gynecological disorders (such as ovarian cysts), and IBS. 

This therapy rapidly increases your white blood cell count, helping reduce the severity of illnesses that impact are holding you back from being your truest self.

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What Constitutional Hydrotherapy Can Do For You:

Support Lung Health

Feel reenergized and reduce chronic fatigue

Boost your immune system

Get a handle on fatty liver/liver disorders

Reduce upper respiratory infections

Find relief from Chronic Illness

Improves your lymphatic system

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Get Your Blood Flowing!

The movement of blood is essential for the bodies ability to function. By applying alternating hot and cold, blood is pulled to that area, bringing fresh nutrients and immune cells. This treatment stimulates the body’s healing process helping you feel relief from acute and chronic illnesses such as:

Respiratory Conditions

Autoimmune Disorders

Chronic Fatigue

Cold and Flu