Personalized Wellness Consultation

Where Compassion Meets Expertise

Are you struggling to heal from a complex condition that leaves you with more questions than answers?

Dr. Gowey has learned that any real solution requires the whole picture. She is here to understand your individualized needs and offer intelligent insights and genuine results.

What patients typically experience with each Consultation:

Clarity in an increasingly confusing time. Much of the medical advice given nowadays is done through a broad stroke. This won’t work when dealing with complex cases. Dr. Gowey offers the attention to detail necessary to support individual needs.

Guidance that focuses on what matters by exploring the causes of symptoms instead of just covering up the your symptoms.

Actionable treatment options that remove any of the guess work and get you moving in the right direction as soon as you step out the front door.

What is included in your Personalized Health Consultation

Initial Consultation

The initial consultation is an opportunity connect directly with Dr. Gowey while exploring your medical history, health obstacles, and future health goals.

This conversation will bring Dr. Gowey up to date on any relevant information and help her develop initial steps to get you moving in the right direction.

The steps following an initial consultation vary depending on your needs. Dr. Gowey has years of experience supporting complex patient cases and will utilize that expertise to help you reach your health goals.

*Any recommended labs are not included in consultation fee*

Continuing Care

Dr. Gowey is a primary care physician focused on meeting your holistic health care needs. This means she will continue to work with you for every step of your journey.

Many patients choose to recieve their primary care with Dr. Gowey. Others prefer to continue care with their existing healthcare provider after Dr. Gowey has solved their health mystery. Dr. Gowey encourages whatever path is most effective for you.

$250- New Patient Consultation

$150- Follow Up Consultations

Want to know about some of Dr. Gowey’s Treatment Options?

Encourage Natural Healing

Used for respiratory infections, COVID, liver disorders (such as fatty liver), gynecological disorders (such as ovarian cysts), IBS, and more.